Thank you to all who came out to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) earlier this month in Mountain View. We were grateful for the opportunity to gather and reflect upon the past year together. Our AGM also presented the perfect setting to look toward the future. We were pleased to share and discuss our new Cooperation Plan (2023-2027) with those in attendance.
This Cooperation Plan (2023-2027) will provide strategic direction for operational planning and activities.
The Plan has 3 strategic priorities:
- Build long term community relationships
- Support resilient landscapes and livelihoods
- Promote and deliver educational opportunities
These priorities will be realized by implementing key strategies and actions in the Plan while maintaining the organizational health and integrity of the WBRA. This blueprint provides both direction and flexibility in responding to opportunities and changing circumstances in the coming years.
We would like to thank the communities, neighbours, friends, and partners of the WBR who took time to participate in the development of our Cooperation Plan (2023-2027).
A sincere thank you to Parks Canada and the staff at Waterton Lakes National Park for their financial and collaborative support which made this important endeavour possible.
We would also like to thank the Community Development Unit of Alberta for their skillful guidance throughout this development process.
Updating our Operating Name
The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA) Board of Directors has approved the proposal to update the operating name of Waterton Biosphere Reserve to Waterton Biosphere Region.
More information about this decision can be found within the Plan.
What else have we been up to?
Recently, some WBRA staff were able to put both muscle and brain to work for a day of willow staking within WBR alongside a local landowner, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Oldman Watershed Council.
This opportunity allowed WBRA staff to learn more about the role willow can fulfil in riparian areas, which are areas along a river or natural waterbodies that host moisture-loving or moisture-tolerant vegetation, as well as the chance to learn the practice of willow staking in these areas.
Willow and the vegetation found growing in riparian areas provide many functions and benefits to the lands, waters, and animals around them including;
- Capture sediments before they enter the waterbody.
- Bind soil with their roots to help stabilize banks and reduce erosion.
- Store water including snowmelt and spring run-off, and release during times of little precipitation and low water flow levels.
- Absorb and dissipate water during floods and high water events.
- Provide habitat for many birds, insects, amphibians, and other wildlife.
- Offer shade to help cool and regulate water temperature.
- Recycle nutrients within the ecosystem.
- Provide important food sources for wildlife.
What can you do to support riparian areas?
There are ways you can support these important areas on your land. Some actions you can take include:
- Consider alternatives to removing willow or riparian vegetation where able.
- Maintain fencing around river banks or waterbodies prone to livestock use.
- Adjust or harden focused waterbody access points.
- Install off-site watering systems for cattle.
We now have funding available to support landowners wishing to complete projects that maintain or improve habitats for local biodiversity.
If you have ideas on how to improve your operation in tandem with conserving local biodiversity, reach out to Elizabeth at 403-563-0058 or
Eligible costs include site preparation, materials and supplies (e.g., pond leveller, fencing supplies, native plants), capital purchases (e.g., solar waterer, portable electric fence, charger, fencing tools; subject to limits or grant restrictions), equipment rental, contractor costs, and professional services.
Projects are typically on a cost-share basis; the landowner portion can include cash or in-kind contributions (in-kind materials, planning time, equipment, and/or labour) or can include partner funding.
Please get in touch to see if we can help financially support your project!