What’s New with the WBRA

Photo by Jeff Bectell
Unique yet Connected

WBRA Conservation Biologist Elizabeth Anderson at
Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association (CBRA) national gathering in Ottawa, Ontario
Our recent participation in the Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association (CBRA) National Gathering in Ottawa and the Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference in Calgary (hosted by the Prairie Conservation Forum) has us reflecting on our unique corner of the province and our role within these networks across the nation.
While there may be differences in our geography, biodiversity, cultures, and windspeed, we appreciate the ongoing opportunity to exchange knowledge with the individuals and organizations who share our goal of supporting resilient landscapes and communities.
Learning from one another’s successes and failures will improve the implementation of initiatives and collaborations in our respective regions and will better equip our interconnected efforts.
Explore some of our network to learn about their work in the region, province, and nation!
WBR is a part of the 19UNESCO biosphere reserves in Canada that represent the country’s geographic, climatic, ecological, economic, and cultural diversity.
Beaver Hills is the only other biosphere reserve in Alberta.
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The Prairie Conservation Forum (PCF) was established by the Government of Alberta in 1989 to convey Alberta’s support and commitment to implementing the Prairie Conservation Action Plan (PCAP).
Alberta’s PCAP is prepared by a committee of PCF members that represent government and non-government organizations in Alberta.
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Did you know that WBR is part of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem?
The Crown Managers Partnership is a multi-agency partnership which works together across borders to tackle the shared ecological challenges and concerns that face this ecosystem and its people.
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Upcoming Event
Join the Crown Managers Partnership in Browning Montana March 14-17, 2023 for their 2023 Forum to learn about “Indigenous Leadership in Honoring & Caring for the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem”.
The first three days of the forum will focus on biocultural, aquatic, and terrestrial aspects with a wrap up on day four exploring “Taking Care of the Land and People Together”.
More Information Here |
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