Photo of a Red-breasted Nuthatch by Asher Warkentin
Birds in Your Backyard and Beyond – Youth Birding Week
in the Waterton Biosphere Reserve
The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association has exciting news for all you nature enthusiasts out there! Starting March 12th we will be launching our Birds in Your Backyard and Beyond – Youth Birding Week in the Waterton Biosphere Reserve event. See below for details!
Event Details:
Friday, March 12 (Zoom) 6:30pm to 7:30pm
- Learn from local youth bird enthusiast Asher Warkentin and Anatsikakato’saakii Monroe Fox, youth Indigenous Conservationist and receive resources that will keep you birding throughout the week.
Saturday, March 13 – 18 (your backyard and beyond)
Explore various fun bird activities and learnings at your own pace throughout the week. Activities include:
- Winter Walk Bird Bingo
- Bird Feeder Project Ideas for Preschool to Grade 6
- Online Bird Resources for Youth (interactive and learn at home)
- Bird Species Checklists (photo ID and others)
- Bird Fact Sheet
- Bird Tally Sheet
Friday, March 19 (Zoom) 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Join us on Zoom once more and be a part of the conversation. Local youth birding expert Asher Warkentin will lead a conversation reviewing what participants observed and learned about birds through the week.
This event is free, please register by going to: https://www.watertonbiosphere.com/Youth-Birding-Week-Registration and receive a Zoom Meeting link for both the March 12 and 19 events.