Striking Balance is an eight part made for television documentary series that combines aerial and time-lapse photography to create a stunning picture of Canada’s breathtaking Biosphere Reserves. Narrated by Jim Cuddy, the series was shot over a period of 170 days and includes interviews with over 250 people determined to create sustainable relationships between people and nature.
The Waterton Biosphere Reserve was fortunate enough to be featured in the series with the first filming in the area beginning in February of 2014. The Waterton episode premiered to local audiences at special showings in Pincher Creek and in Cardston in October 2016.
For the Waterton Biosphere Reserve, Striking Balance is an opportunity to share with a national audience the beauty of our area and demonstrate how over the years many different people have come to love the land in this area and work to conserve it for future generations.
A large part of the Striking Balance Waterton episode features local ranchers who talk about their role in stewarding the land and their experiences living and ranching in the Waterton area.
With Waterton Lakes National Park at the core of the Waterton Biosphere Reserve, this special area has remained largely ecologically intact because of the care many generations of people have taken in preserving this special landscape. The Waterton episode of Striking Balance tells the story of these people and organizations who over the years have worked to ensure the integrity of this landscape for future generations.
Along with these stories of collaboration and conservation the Striking Balance documentary series provides viewers breathtaking footage from the Waterton Biosphere Reserve which will easily make one understand why so many people have come together over the years to work on conserving this special area.
Striking Balance was produced in association with The Nature Conservancy of Canada, the Knowledge Network, Parks Canada, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. The 8-episode documentary series, including Waterton’s feature episode, have been made available to watch online at
A companion eBook for Striking Balance has also been produced, titled Sustaining Home. The 180 page, interactive eBook explores Canada’s Biosphere Reserves in more detail and includes an introduction to 10 additional Canadian Biosphere Reserves.
Support the Waterton Biosphere Reserve and purchase your own copy of Striking Balance today.
The full documentary series of Striking Balance is available for purchase from the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association on DVD ($35) or Blu-ray ($40).
While the Waterton Biosphere Reserve is featured in one of the Striking Balance episodes, also included in the series are 7 other 50 minute episodes from Biosphere Reserves across Canada.
This is just one way you can support the Waterton Biosphere Reserve as a portion of the proceeds from these sales go toward our organization.
To order a copy of Striking Balance email Nora at service(at) or call 403 627 1473