Waterton Biosphere Reserve Assoc. Past Projects
In 2008, Environment and Climate Change Canada provided four years of core funding to help support biosphere reserves across Canada. The Waterton Biosphere Region (WBR) received a portion of this funding through June 2012 to manage the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Coordination Project. This funding provided the impetus for rejuvenation of the Waterton Biosphere Region committee. It allowed the hiring of a part-time coordinator and completion of several communication initiatives including launching of the www.watertonbiosphere.com website, publication of information leaflets, and creation of a portable display. It was during this time that WBR began working with the local community on several important projects including the Carnivores and Communities Program, the South West Alberta Cooperative Weed Management Area (now called South West Invasive Managers), Wetlands Field Day, and Digital Stewardship Stories.

Waterton Biosphere Reserve Display
This project also enabled the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA) to provide support to a number of local initiatives including:
- a project by the Chinook Area Land Users Association to collect information on oil and gas leases in the Waterton Biosphere Region area to be shared with local landowners
- completion of a summary document and community presentations for the Chief Mountain Cumulative Effects Study
- a community riparian/range health awareness field day held by the Waterton Watershed Group in 2010
- the Oldman Watershed Council’s “Holding the Reins” landowner forum in February 2012
- weed control efforts by Cardston County and the Nature Conservancy of Canada
- the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership’s “Cowboys and Carnivores” monitoring program that developed an online mapping tool so that landowners within the pilot area could report their observations and conflicts with carnivores

Waterton Watershed Group Riparian and Range Health Field Day 2010 | Photo by Jen Jenkins
From June 2011 to January 2014, Waterton Biosphere Region had the opportunity to participate in a national biosphere reserve project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The grant supported a partnership between the University of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association (CBRA) which provided the opportunity for 15 biosphere reserves across Canada to share best practices and complete a number of cooperative projects.
In addition, funding from the SSHRC grant allowed delegates from Waterton Biosphere Region to attend several national meetings during the period of the project including the EuroMAB 2013 meeting in Ontario in the fall of 2013. EuroMAB is a subset of the world network of biosphere reserves consisting of all members in Europe and North America. The EuroMAB 2013 meeting was the first ever held in Canada and welcomed more than 190 delegates from 27 countries.

WBRA Chair Jeff Bectell and Executive Director Nora Manners facilitating EuroMAB 2013 discussion on land management in biosphere reserves.
In 2012, Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association undertook a cooperative project with the Waterton Natural History Association (WNHA) and Parks Canada to create a new roadside exhibit at Pine Ridge, a vantage point overlooking the entrance to Waterton Lakes National Park. The exhibit has a central panel that features a labeled panorama of the mountains and text that highlights the “tradition of stewardship” that supports this landscape. Side panels feature Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association and the Waterton Natural History Association.

The new display on Pine Ridge.
Photo by Nora Manners

Just one of the many spectacular views from Pine Ridge.
Photo by Kim Pearson
Residents of Waterton Biosphere Region (WBR) have been working together for more than 30 years to balance biodiversity conservation with sustainable use of the land in southwestern Alberta. Over the last three decades, they have been supported by an increasing number of groups and agencies working to promote stewardship. Many successful projects have been completed; however, not all of these groups are rooted within the community. The importance of place-based conservation and sustainability is becoming more apparent. A strong local constituency, with shared ideas and motivation for collaborative action is what makes biosphere reserves unique. This will ensure the long term success and survival of WBR and the benefits that it brings to the citizens of southwestern Alberta.
This project has allowed Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA) to reach out to people in southwestern Alberta in order to build constituency for conservation and sustainability. We have been working to:
1) Inform residents, businesses, organizations, governments, and other stakeholders about WBR and raise awareness about the advantages of biosphere reserve designation at the regional scale.
2) Formalize working relationships with other agencies, organizations, and governments and confirm at the administrative (government) level the boundaries for WBR and the core, buffer, and transition zones.
3) Engage stakeholders in discussion about the future of WBR and work together to develop a Cooperation Plan which will guide the future work and direction of the WBR.