July 16, 2024
The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association, in response to announcements made by the Government of Alberta on July 9th, 2024; and in the Alberta Gazette on Jun 29, 2004, regarding management of wildlife, has released the following statement:
“The Waterton Biosphere Region’s Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP) works to decrease conflict between people and large carnivores. The CACP envisions a multifaceted approach that helps to keep people and their livelihoods safe and secure while ensuring that grizzly bears and other large carnivore species continue on the landscape. The primary activities of the CACP center around attractant management and bear safety training for rural families. Government programs and responsibilities such as the Alberta Wildlife Predator Compensation Program, and management of problem bears (including lethal control when necessary) are also important components of any efforts to successfully share the landscape with large carnivores. As all of these different facets are employed concurrently, conflict can be reduced while maintaining viable large carnivore populations on the landscape.”
To view the statement issued by the GOA regarding the provincial governments announcement of July 9th, please visit: Protection of life and property from problem wildlife | alberta.ca
CACP Background
Waterton Biosphere Region’s Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP) was initiated in 2009 in response to increasing conflicts between large carnivores and people in southwestern Alberta. In this unique corner of the province, farmers and ranchers share the landscape with several large carnivore species including wolves, cougars, black bears, and grizzly bears. Rural communities are experiencing high rates of conflicts with large carnivores, often related to agricultural attractants such as livestock, grain, and other animal feed. While all four large carnivore species are involved in conflicts, the majority of conflicts in this region are attributed to wolves and grizzly bears.
Southwestern Alberta residents have expressed concern about growing carnivore populations, the increasing frequency of conflicts with large carnivores, and the impacts of large carnivores on local livelihoods and community safety (Carnivores and Communities Survey – Miistakis 2009). When conflicts occur between humans and large carnivores, the impacts on landowners are diverse and can include depredation of livestock or pets; consumption and spoilage of grain, silage, and field crops; damage to beehives, grain bins, and farm buildings; and concern for the safety of family and neighbours. These conflicts not only create increased safety risks and financial costs for people, but they also impact large carnivore populations because animals involved in conflict may be relocated or killed.
Despite such conflicts, a majority of residents surveyed in 2009 agreed that people and large carnivores can successfully share a landscape if properly managed. This willingness to consider a landscape shared with large carnivores is reflected in the actions of local communities. Inspired by work done in Montana at the Blackfoot Challenge (BFC), landowners, landowner groups like the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership and Chief Mountain Landowners Information Network, municipalities, and Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEP) began in 2008 to undertake projects to reduce conflicts by managing carnivore attractants across southwestern Alberta. More information about these early community efforts can be found in Large Carnivore Attractant Management Projects in Southwestern Alberta 2008-2012.
WBR’s Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP) builds on previous community initiatives. It began in 2009 with a landowner survey addressing large carnivore issues (Carnivores and Communities Survey – Miistakis 2011) and provided financial support in 2009 and 2010 to the Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership, Chief Mountain Land Owners Information Network, and Nature Conservancy of Canada for deadstock pickup and attractant management projects in the municipalities of Pincher Creek and Cardston.
In the fall of 2011, the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (then Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development) to coordinate and manage a 3-year grant to support community-based, landowner-driven project initiatives to reduce human-carnivore conflict issues in southwestern Alberta, with a specific focus on grizzly bears, black bears, and wolves. With the signing of the 2011-2014 MOU, the CACP expanded to include the Municipal District (MD) of Ranchland and the western portion of the MD of Willow Creek. The CACP now works directly with landowners and other partners in all four municipalities to reduce conflicts between people and large carnivores, a benefit to both human and large carnivore populations. The program is multi-faceted and targets reducing attractants for large carnivores, reducing the economic impact on landowners coexisting with large carnivores, and enhancing the safety of all residents.
Environment and Protected Areas has continued to provide funding to the CACP with annual grants. This provincial funding has also been used to leverage support from other funders including Environment and Climate Change Canada, Alberta Innovates BioSolutions, Alberta Ecotrust, Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, Shell Fuelling Change, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, and others (see Funders and Supporters below).
WBR Carnivore Working Group (CWG)
One of the other requirements of the 2011-2014 MOU was that a community-based, landowner-driven working group be established. Hence, Waterton Biosphere Region’s Carnivore Working Group (CWG) was established in the fall of 2011 as a committee of the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA). While originally established to meet the requirements of the 2011-2014 MOU, the CWG has since been maintained as a valuable community-based committee providing direction and guidance to WBR’s CACP. WBR’s CWG is composed primarily of livestock producers who represent the communities in the municipalities of Ranchland, Willow Creek, Pincher Creek and Cardston, and also includes representatives from municipal government, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), Environment and Protected Areas, and Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officers. The terms of reference for WBR’s CWG can be found here. The work of WBR’s CWG is coordinated by Jeff Bectell, local rancher and a current Director of the WBRA.
Carnivores and Communities Program Vision
The following vision was recommended by the CWG on December 13, 2011 and approved by the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association on January 3, 2012. It serves as the vision not only for the Carnivore Working Group, but also for the larger WBR Carnivores and Communities Program.
The purpose of this vision is not to lay out the specifics of how issues with large carnivores are to be solved, but to provide a guiding statement that reminds people what the desired outcome is. The ideal outcome may not ever be fully achieved, but the vision statement provides something against which to measure our plans and results; it can keep us from drifting away from the mandate of the Carnivore Working Group (CWG) and the Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP). Ideally, we would like to see the following outcomes:
- People and large carnivores can both have a place on the landscape in southwestern Alberta.
- Economic losses to the ranchers and farmers of the area are prevented through cooperative projects.
- When economic losses occur, due to large carnivores, the individuals are fairly compensated.
- Projects improve public safety and prevent bears and wolves from becoming problem animals.
- Accurate bear and wolf population numbers are determined, and these numbers are instrumental in managing the populations at levels that are appropriate and sustainable, both biologically, and within the context of keeping human-carnivore conflicts to minimum.
Carnivores and Communities Program Goals
- GOAL#1: To maintain an effective community-based carnivore working group with strong collaborative partnerships.
- GOAL#2: To support the completion of landowner-driven projects and other agricultural practice change efforts that reduce human carnivore conflicts.
- GOAL#3: To develop a common knowledge base and effective communication strategies related to large carnivore issues.
- GOAL#4: To encourage development of a long-term strategy for balancing coexistence of large carnivores and people in Southwestern Alberta that recognizes the need for conflict reduction, predation compensation, and wildlife management.
- GOAL#5: To ensure effective project management and evaluation.
Annual reports for the AESRD/AEP grants can be found here.
Restricting access to attractants can significantly reduce carnivore-human conflicts. In southwestern Alberta, the primary agricultural attractants include dead livestock (deadstock), granaries, bee yards, livestock, and calving areas. To help decrease conflicts with large carnivores, WBR’s Carnivores and Communities Program (CACP) provides support to activities designed to remove or reduce carnivore attractants. Current attractant management initiatives include removing dead livestock from the landscape, making facilities for storage of grain, feed, and garbage more secure, and installing electric fencing to prevent carnivores from accessing attractants. Cost sharing between landowners and the CACP is available. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss a potential project. For a quick overview of CACP’s four main on-the-ground attractant management initiatives, you can view the CACP info card here. See the sections below for more detailed information on these mitigation techniques and other agricultural practices like use of livestock guardian dogs and on-farm composting that may help to mitigate conflicts with large carnivores.
WBR has collaborated with producers on more than 140 attractant management projects in southwestern Alberta. Mitigation efforts are summarized in three reports. The first report, Large Carnivore Attractant Management Projects in Southwestern Alberta 2008-2012 describes the history of community-based carnivore mitigation efforts in southwestern Alberta, and summarizes all projects completed up to December 2012. The second report Large Carnivore Attractant Management Projects in Southwestern Alberta 2013-2014 summarizes projects from 2013 to 2014 and the third report Large Carnivore Attractant Management Projects in Southwestern Alberta 2015-2019 summarizes projects from 2015-2019.
The following table shows the number and type of CACP attractant management projects completed up to 2022.
If you have similar projects to the above in mind and live in Waterton Biosphere CACP area, you may be eligible for cost sharing. For more information or if you have any carnivore questions, please email Jeff Bectell, Carnivores and Communities Program Coordinator, at jbectell@watertonbiosphere.com.
The CACP has also produced three technical guides designed to support landowner efforts to reduce conflicts with large carnivores. These guides are available in PDF format (see below) or by contacting WBR.
WBR Carnivores and Communities Technical Guide: Deadstock Removal Program
WBR Carnivores and Communities Technical Guide: Electric Fencing
WBR Carnivores and Communities Technical Guide: Securing Your Grain Storage
Deadstock Removal Program & Carcass Composting
Deadstock Removal Program
Land disposal of livestock carcasses (i.e., disposal of the dead animal in a manner that allows for scavenging) has increased since the discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Alberta cattle in 2003. Prior to the discovery of BSE, rendering companies removed deadstock from farms and ranches free of charge because the carcasses held commercial value to the rendering company. Post-BSE changes to regulations now require separate disposal of specified risk material (SRM), tissues that are capable of transmitting BSE. This has decreased the profitability for carcass rendering companies and livestock producers are now charged for carcass removal. These charges are often prohibitive to producers, which has resulted in an increase in land disposal of deadstock. Although the use of on-farm carcass dumps or boneyards is a legal disposal option under the Alberta Animal Health Act, deadstock can be an attractant to bears, cougars, and wolves – particularly during the spring calving season.
To eliminate this attractant, the WBR’s Deadstock Removal Program was designed to completely remove livestock carcasses from the landscape. Building on the efforts of local landowner groups, the program has grown to include free deadstock pickup for producers on over 572,000 hectares (1.41 million acres) in the municipalities of Cardston, Pincher Creek, Ranchland, and Willow Creek. Since the program began in 2009, over 6,500 carcasses have been removed from the landscape (2022).
The deadstock program operates in each of the four municipalities with funds from CACP supporters ensuring that there is no cost to producers for carcass pickup within the deadstock pickup zone. The municipalities help with bin management and program administration. In the municipalities of Pincher Creek and Cardston, there are 11 bear-proof bins, where producers can drop off their deadstock where practical. On-farm pickup is also available if the carcass is not easily transported to a bin. In Ranchland and Willow Creek municipalities, bins are not available and all deadstock are picked up on-farm.

Photo credit: The Good Planet Project

Photo credit: The Good Planet Project
Deadstock bins are fabricated of 14-gauge steel sheeting with a hinged lid for easy carcass disposal, and a drop end for bin unloading. The bins are placed on private property or road allowances and maintained on a regular basis by volunteer landowners and/or the municipality.
Registered landowners place deadstock in the bins (in accordance with Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) procedures) and the bins are emptied by a rendering company as required. The rendering company also does on-farm pickup of large animals.
For more information on the current program please refer to the WBR Carnivores and Communities Technical Guide on the Deadstock Removal Program.
CACP published a paper in 2021 focusing on the deadstock removal program, community perspectives, costs, and ecological and management considerations of the program. You can read Dealing With Deadstock: A Case Study of Carnivore Conflict Mitigation From Southwestern Alberta (Morehouse et al., 2021) in Frontiers in Conservation Science, here.
On-Farm Composting
Dead livestock are a major attractant for all large carnivores in southwestern Alberta, including grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, and cougars. To address this attractant concern, the WBRA operates a Deadstock Removal Program as described above which has two components: deadstock bins and on-farm pickup.
An alternative disposal method for dealing with livestock mortalities beyond the scope of the WBRA’s Deadstock Removal Program, is on-farm composting. One advantage of on-farm composting is that the process can be started immediately rather than having to wait for removal by a rendering company. Currently, the rendering company only services southwestern Alberta once per week. As such, it is possible that a producer might have to wait up to 6 days for the rendering company to arrive. During that time, the carcass is an attractant to predators.
On-farm composting can be an effective tool for the disposal of dead livestock carcasses and is a legal disposal option under Alberta’s Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation. According to the regulations, a dead animal may be disposed of by composting if the outdoor farm compost pile is at least 100 m from any water source, at least 25 m from the edge of any coulee or embankment, and at least 100 m from any residence. There are two general approaches to composting dead livestock: windrow systems and bin systems. There are two phases to composting livestock mortalities. During the primary stage (i.e., filling a bin or piling a windrow), the material will heat up quickly and then begin to cool. The pile is not turned during this stage, which lasts about three months. During the second stage, the pile needs to be regularly turned to introduce air and maintain the temperature, which is required to kill common viruses and bacteria. The second stage also lasts about three months. The Alberta Government has produced a guide to large animal mortality composting, which contains details about the specific conditions required for successful composting.
Composting is safe and has low environmental and biosecurity risks. Composting is inexpensive and uses materials that are often already available on a farm or ranch. It is a disposal option that can be used year-round and has good disease control. Further, the residual material can be used for fertilizer, and the finished compost can be spread on the producer’s land (however, compost from cattle mortalities cannot be used on rented or neighbours’ land).
Composting does require management. In particular, piles must be turned and temperatures monitored. Space might also be a consideration for intensive operations. Adequate cover (e.g., wood chips, manure, straw, etc.) is important because it leads to more composting, less smell, and less scavenging. Although composting should produce very little odour if done correctly, in areas frequented by large carnivores, the compost area should be surrounded by an electric fence to prevent access by carnivores (see our guide to electric fencing here). Cost-share opportunities are available through the Carnivores and Communities Program for electric fencing projects.
Have you successfully implemented on-farm composting at your property? Would you be willing to be an information resource for others in the community? Do you know of a good resource for on-farm composting? Send us an e-mail at info@watertonbiosphere.com.
Beef Cattle Research Council – Disposal of Cattle Mortalities: This page outlines some of the pros and cons of disposal options for cattle mortalities. It also includes a link to a video of Dr. Kim Stanford with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry in which she discusses on-farm composting.
Large Animal Mortality Composting: This Alberta Government document outlines key information related to successful livestock composting and includes information on planning considerations, management, and troubleshooting.
Large Animal Disposal – On-farm Composting Option South Coastal Region of BC: This document explains the composting process, equipment and materials required, and summarizes the composting process.
Deadstock Composting Facility
Composting of livestock carcasses on a community-wide scale can be an efficient and cost-effective way to dispose of deadstock. Since 2003, the Blackfoot Challenge has been collecting livestock carcasses for composting in a facility managed by Montana Department of Transportation. The documentary Living with Carnivores: Boneyards, Bears and Wolves shares their story. In 2012, Cardston County partnered with Alberta Environment and Parks and Canadian Agricultural Partnership (formerly Growing Forward) to build a carcass composting facility; the first municipal deadstock composting facility in Canada.
From late January 2013 to April 30, 2014, a county employee picked up 851 livestock carcasses from deadstock bins and farms in Cardston County for composting at the facility. The livestock included animals like sheep and goats that were not accepted at the time by rendering companies. Operational costs for pickup and composting were paid through the WBR’s Deadstock Removal Program.
As a pilot project, the municipal composting program had to overcome several administrative and regulatory issues. In April 2014, Cardston County felt it was best to suspend the program until these issues were resolved. While the issues which led to suspension of the program were resolved, the county council made the decision not to re-open it. In the absence of a rendering company, the WBRA continues to see deadstock composting as a safe, efficient and cost effective means of handling livestock mortalities to prevent conflict with large carnivores.
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Livestock guardian dogs (LGD) are used around the world as a conflict mitigation tool, particularly in Europe and Asia where LGDs originated. Unlike herding dogs, LGDs watch for predators and confront them with barking/other vocal intimidation, and aggressive behaviour. LGDs have been used to protect sheep, goats, cattle and a variety of other species. Interest in them as a tool to help prevent depredation of livestock has increased in North America as predator populations in some regions have also increased.

Breed: Sarplaniac/pyrenees cross. Sarplaniac’s are a Yugoslavian shepherd dog historically bred to protect sheep and the pyrenees is a livestock guardian breed from France widely used to protect flocks from wolves and bears. Photo by Julia Palmer
Preventing livestock depredation can be particularly challenging when livestock are free ranging over large areas. In these scenarios, where electric fencing may not be a realistic option, LGDs can be an effective alternative. LGDs are not pets, but rather a working dog that provides protection to livestock; they live with the animals they guard to reduce predation. Socializing and bonding pups with the livestock they are intended to protect is a critical part of their training, and the primary period to establish this bond is between 8 and 16 weeks. It is particularly helpful if they can learn from an experienced LGD, and ideally pups are purchased from working parents that are used with the same species the pup is intended to protect. Bonding pens work well as a tool to get pups started; livestock are gradually introduced to the pups under supervision. It is important to teach the pup what is expected of it, including staying with the livestock and within its territory. Exposing the pup to the variety of scenarios it will encounter in its life is important to do from an early age. For example, take the pup for rides in the truck, have it wear a collar and walk on leash, walk the pup into buildings and stock trailers, and introduce the pup to other farm animals.
There are several different breeds of LGDs (at least 40 throughout the world), and the best fit depends on the circumstances of each individual situation. For example, if livestock are grazed in areas with high human presence, a breed of LGD that is not aggressive to people might be the best fit. Similarly, aggression levels towards predators can vary between breeds so it is important to consider the carnivore species present in the area. Common breeds in North America include Great Pyrenees, Akbash, Anatolian Shepherd, Maremma, and Kangal. Purebred or LGD crosses are both effective. It is important to get a dog that is the right fit for the job; talking with other livestock producers that have used LGDs as well as breeders can help you to evaluate your situation and determine which breed might work best for you. A thorough understanding of how LGDs work will help ensure success.

LGDs adding another layer of protection for a herd of goats. Two dogs tend to stick with the goats while the third works to push predators further away from the fence line. Photo credit: Kirby family
LGDs have been used across the world as a tool to prevent livestock depredation by carnivores and there are a number of benefits associated with their use. With the right selection and training, pups can be used to guard a wide variety of animals making them a flexible conflict mitigation option. They can work in rugged terrain and over large areas. Predators can become habituated to some mitigation tools like lights or sirens, but typically don’t become habituated to LGDs. They can also help reduce producer labour, and they can alert producers to disturbances in the livestock herd or on the farm/ranch.
The costs associated with LGDs are not insignificant. The cost of a LGD can vary greatly but it is in the range of $360-$1200 CAD. Generally, more than one dog is needed; large operations, operations with complex terrain and/or operations with high predator densities might require several dogs in order for them to be an effective tool. Maintenance costs include food and veterinary care, and while estimates vary, reported maintenance costs range from $720 – $1050 CAD per dog per year. The average working lifespan of a LGD is 7 years. In addition to the capital costs, conditioning a puppy is a significant time investment. For example, some researchers have estimated that supervising, feeding, and training LGDs took 7-50 hours per month for the first year and 10-11 hours per month for subsequent years.
Thus, while LGDs have a number of benefits, adding one to your operation is a significant investment. Some studies have shown that LGD costs can be easily offset if depredation of livestock is prevented, while others have found that LGDs are only cost-effective in certain operations. Talking with breeders and other producers that are using dogs in similar situations is important to ensure you get the right fit for your circumstances.
Have you successfully used livestock guardian dogs at your property? Would you be willing to be an information resource for others in the community? Send us an e-mail at info@watertonbiosphere.com.
The list below is intended to provide additional resources for individuals interested in learning more about LGDs. The Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association is not necessarily affiliated with or intending to promote the individuals or organizations listed below.
Livestock Guardian Dogs and Cattle Protection: Opportunities, Challenges, and Methods – This peer-reviewed paper summarizes published information and personal experiences regarding LGD use. It discusses some of the common challenges encountered and provides recommendations for introducing LGD pups.
Brave and Loyal: An Illustrated Celebration of Livestock Guardian Dogs – This book by Cat Urbigkit shares information about LGD behaviour, breeds, and historic use, as well as how to raise successful LGD animals and the benefits and challenges of using LGDs. Cat raises sheep in Wyoming in an area shared with several predator species and has years of experience using LGDs.
Livestock and Wolves: A Guide to Nonlethal Tools and Methods to Reduce Conflicts – This publication by the Defenders of Wildlife includes a section on working with LGDs, including choosing and using LGDs as well as information about raising and training successful pups.
Reducing Conflict with Grizzly Bears, Wolves, and Elk – This document published by the Western Landowners Alliance shares examples from various ranches that have successfully used LGDs as part of their conflict mitigation. It also includes information on the types of situations in which LGDs might be used most effectively.
Livestock Guardian Dogs and Their Care in Winter – This factsheet put together by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs highlights some of the basic information for caring for an LGD, including information on their feeding and shelter requirements as well as basic information about their characteristics and lifespan.
Alberta Sheep: Guardian Animals for Alberta – This document is a quick fact sheet that covers some of the basics of LGDs. In particular, it includes a useful table that summarizes some of the characteristics of common LGD breeds.
People and Carnivores: Livestock Guardian Dogs – This page on the People and Carnivores website includes a short video about how a farm family in Saskatchewan uses LGDs to help protect their sheep from coyote and wolf depredations.
EweTube: Livestock Guardian Dogs – A video interview with Steve Skelton of Blackleaf Guardians about his flock of sheep, different LGD breeds, their individual roles and how they work together, how they mitigate conflict with predators, bonding to what they are protecting, and much more.
For individuals on Facebook, the following pages contain LGD information and stories:
Blackleaf Guardians – https://www.facebook.com/blackleaflivestockcompany/
Cat Urbigkit – https://www.facebook.com/cat.urbigkit
Candll Lamb & Cattle Co. – https://www.facebook.com/CandllLambCattleCo/
Range Riding
Using herders to protect livestock is a tool used by livestock producers for centuries. In current times, it is not unusual for livestock to be grazed over large areas with little supervision. These free-ranging livestock can be exposed to a variety of predators and are at potential risk of depredation. Some ranchers use ‘range riders’ as a way to increase human presence, provide an additional layer of protection for their livestock, and aid in the timely detection of predation.
Range riding is a method of herd supervision, typically done by horseback. Research has found that predators often avoid areas of high human use. Thus, the idea behind range riding is that by increasing human presence in an area where livestock are grazed, conflicts between livestock and predators can be decreased. Range riding can also involve different herding strategies. For example, range riders can help cattle better mimic strategies used by wild prey. Predators often single out individual animals that are separated from the herd. Range riders can actively herd livestock into a large group, which makes it more difficult for predators to attack. Carnivores are generally most active at night, so range riders can work to group livestock together in the late afternoon and help settle them before nightfall. Riding is very much an active process, often involving extended hours. A good rider will continually read the herd and the landscape to help avoid predation. By increasing human presence, more frequently checking on livestock, and herding cattle away from areas of high carnivore activity, range riding can help reduce livestock injury and depredation due to carnivores.
In many areas of the western United States, range riding is done in partnership with state agencies that are working to track carnivore activity, often through the use of radio collars. Radiotelemetry equipment is loaned to range riders who are able to use the equipment to identify areas of high carnivore activity with greater risk to livestock, such as wolf denning and rendezvous areas. This information on carnivore presence can complement range rider activity and they can use the information to better focus their efforts; in particular, radiotelemetry can help riders target their efforts on large landscapes. However, even in the absence of collared animals, riders can use other information such as tracks, rub trees, and scats to identify areas of heavy carnivore activity. Riders should also observe livestock for signs of stress as this might indicate carnivore presence. If carnivore presence is detected, riders might consider actively deterring them – depending on the circumstances including carnivore species and its behaviour. For example, in some instances, livestock can be moved away from the immediate area, and in some cases, it may be safe to pressure the carnivore away from the area, or to show the predator that the rider is aware of its presence by following its tracks for a short distance.
Range riders can provide a number of benefits in addition to helping to reduce conflicts between livestock and carnivores. For example, they can identify and treat sick or injured animals, reduce the number of unconfirmed livestock deaths by more quickly identifying livestock carcasses, find missing or lost animals and assess general herd health. Further, riders can also gain increased information about carnivore activity and then proactively use that information to help prevent conflicts.
However, not everyone agrees with the effectiveness of range riding; some people believe that it simply pushes the problem onto the neighbour. Range riding can also be a significant investment. One evaluation estimated that the cost of a range rider program for one operation for one grazing season ranged from $25,000 to $50,000 CAD. In addition to the direct costs of rider salary, in-kind support such as housing, pasture for horses, use of ATVs/farm vehicles, and rancher time investment are other indirect costs that might be required.
Have you successfully used range riding to mitigate conflicts with carnivores at your property? Would you be willing to be an information resource for others in the community? Send us an e-mail at info@watertonbiosphere.com.
The list below is intended to provide additional resources for individuals interested in learning more about range riding.
People and Carnivores: Range Riders – This short video produced by People and Carnivores includes a brief description of how one ranch in the Wind River Range uses range riders as a conflict prevention tool.
Conservation Northwest: Range Rider Pilot Project – This website describes a collaborative effort between Washington state ranchers and Conservation Northwest. There are links at the bottom of the page to a variety of articles related to range riding.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife – Wolf-livestock Interaction Protocol – Section 4 of this document outlines the expected range riding activities for ranger rider programs that receive funding from Washington state.
Livestock and Wolves: A Guide to Nonlethal Tools and Methods to Reduce Conflicts – This publication by the Defenders of Wildlife includes a section on ranger riders and herders and discusses some of the various benefits associated with this practice.
Electric Fencing

Photo by The Good Planet Project
The Basics of Electric Fencing
For short-term, seasonal or permanent use, electric fences are one of the tools available to mitigate large carnivore conflicts. Electric fences provide benefits by preventing loss of livestock and property damage and are an effective tool to prevent carnivores from accessing agricultural attractants.
Depending on the attractant, fencing can be installed as a permanent or temporary measure. Six-strand electric fences, with alternating hot/cold wires, have been used successfully to deter bears in southwestern Alberta.
Attractants that could be secured with 6-strand electric fencing include:
- Large area with multiple attractants such as a yard or multi-use feed storage area
- Calving or lambing pasture
- Night pens for sheep, goats, or llamas
- Grain storage
- Deadstock pit, pile, or compost pile
- Silage and haylage
Your charger should deliver at least 7,000 volts to each hot wire at every point on the fence. Every electric fence needs the following:
- Fence energizer or charger
- Grounding system
- Wire
- Posts
- Voltage meter
- Recommended: Signage to indicate electric fencing hazard
For more in depth information on each of these points, please view our Electric Fencing Technical Guide here.
Electric Fencing Checklist
Design an electric fence that gives you, livestock, and machinery enough space to move around. Make sure to follow the guidelines for energy requirements, wire and post spacing, and ground systems.
The 6-strand fence design outlined in the Electrical Fencing Technical Guide is effective. If you elect to install a lesser fence, the type of attractant and behavior of an individual bear may determine how well the fence will work.
Use this checklist to ensure the integrity of your electric fence:
- At least 7,000 volts on all hot wires, even at the farthest point from the energizer
- Solar panels face south and are clear of debris
- Battery-powered energizers are charging properly
- Fenceline is clear of excessive vegetation
- Proper grounding at the energizer, and additional ground rods every 1,000 feet
- All fence wires are guitar-string tight
- Bottom ground (cold) wire is no more than 2 inches from the ground
- Wire height is consistent along the entire fenceline
- Potential breach points are identified and repaired
For more in depth information on electric fencing options please refer to the WBR’s CACP Technical Guide on Electric Fencing. This document has been developed by the Waterton Biosphere Region (WBR) to provide information on the basics of electric fencing and examples of what has worked to deter large carnivores in southwestern Alberta.
If you’re interested in electric fencing and live in Waterton Biosphere Region’s program area, you may be eligible for cost sharing. For more information, please email Jeff Bectell, Carnivores and Communities Program Coordinator, at jbectell@watertonbiosphere.com.
Zapped! Managing Bear Conflict in Southern Alberta
In 2021 the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association (WBRA) collaborated with Jay Honeyman of Alberta Environment and Parks on a video called Zapped! Managing Bear Conflict in Southern Alberta which showcases the use of electric fences in large carnivore conflict prevention in the Province of Alberta.
The video was released in January of 2022.
Securing Grain, Feed & Garbage
Grizzly bears and black bears are omnivores and will use a wide variety of food sources. Bears can be drawn into a yard by a variety of attractants including garbage, honey producing hives, pet food, fruit trees, gardens, compost, livestock, silage, grain, and other livestock feed.
When bears obtain these types of food resources, it may lead to a food-conditioned bear. Over time, this bear may associate ‘food’ with ‘humans’ and may become bold and dangerous around people.
Food Storage Security
In an agricultural landscape, grain, silage, and other livestock feed can all be attractants for bears – particularly grizzly bears. Once bears learn where these foods can be obtained, they will rip apart silage bags and wooden buildings used for grain storage; dig through wooden bin floors; or pull doors off of steel bins to gain access to the food source. Grain bin retrofits such as bear-resistant doors, steel or concrete bin floors, and installation of hopper bottoms can eliminate bear access.
For more information on grain storage options please refer to the Waterton Biosphere Reserve’s Carnivores and Communities Program Technical Guide on Securing Your Grain Storage.
If you’re interested in securing your grain or feed and live in Waterton Biosphere Reserve’s program area, you may be eligible for cost sharing. For more information, please email Jeff Bectell, Carnivores and Communities Program Coordinator, at jbectell@watertonbiosphere.com.
Bear Resistant Feed/Garbage Storage Bins
In southwestern Alberta, approximately 80% of all black bear incidents reported to the Government of Alberta from 1999 through 2015 were related to attractants. Of these incidents, 41% were related to garbage. Similarly, most grizzly bear incidents are related to some sort of attractant, predominantly grain and deadstock. Once a bear becomes conditioned to human food, that bear has an increased chance of being relocated or killed. Additionally, a bear frequenting yard sites in search of food represents an increased safety risk for people.
To help mitigate these incidents, Waterton Biosphere Reserve (WBR) ran a bear-resistant garbage bin program from 2015 to 2020. The program offered bear-resistant garbage bins for sale at a subsidized price to people living on farms, ranches, acreages, and hamlets in the municipalities of Cardston, Pincher Creek, Ranchland, and Willow Creek. The Toter bear-resistant bins were suitable for both garbage and small feed storage. They were double walled poly with a steel-reinforced rim and a self-latching mechanism that bears cannot open. The bins were certified as bear-resistant by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee following testing by captive grizzly bears at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery center in Montana. View video of this testing below.
All bins we acquired for this program have now been distributed in the community. If you are still interested in purchasing a bin you can contact Jeff Bectell, Carnivores and Communities Program Coordinator jbectell@watertonbiosphere.com, with your inquiry. If there is sufficient interest in pre-purchasing bins, we will explore the possibility of doing a bulk order of bins at a subsidized cost.
If you live in Crowsnest Pass, bear-resistant garbage programming is also available. Please contact Christy Pool, Crowsnest Pass BearSmart Association President, at 403-563-8723.
Even with the implementation of attractant management efforts as discussed above, large carnivores will still sometimes kill livestock. While some death loss is an acknowledged part of raising livestock, livestock losses to predators in southwestern Alberta represent a significant financial burden to producers. The Alberta Wildlife Predator Compensation Program provides monetary compensation for cattle, sheep, bison, swine and goats that a Fish and Wildlife Officer has confirmed as having been injured or killed by a wolf, grizzly bear, black bear, cougar or eagle.
Compensation programs are used around the world as a tool to help offset the economic loss associated with carnivore depredation of livestock, and to increase tolerance for large carnivores in rural communities. The cost of sharing the landscape with large carnivores typically falls disproportionately on rural communities, and compensation programs are one way of helping to redistribute those costs across the larger society. While compensation programs do help cover some of the costs associated with livestock depredation, there are numerous other costs associated with sharing the landscape with large carnivores that are not compensated including increased rancher time, reduced weight gain in livestock, and missing animals.
Landowner surveys in southwestern Alberta have identified producer dissatisfaction with the Alberta compensation program (Miistakis 2011, Lee et al., 2017, Morehouse et al., 2020). The dissatisfaction stems from three main areas:
- the burden of proof required for confirmation was too high,
- compensation payments did not adequately cover the true cost of livestock lost to predators, and
- the relationship between the community and Fish and Wildlife Officers responsible for investigating suspected predator kills was strained.
The WBR CWG initiated a project in 2012 to review compensation programs worldwide and develop a proposal for a revised carnivore compensation program for southwestern Alberta. The project, which was completed in collaboration with Simon Fraser University, resulted in two reports Report 1: Summary of Carnivore Compensation Programs and Report 2: Proposed Amendments to the Alberta Wildlife Predator Compensation Program.
The recommendations contained in Report 2 were a result of much discussion and consideration. If implemented, the recommendations will address the main concerns raised by the community about the existing compensation program and provide a more satisfactory level of compensation to livestock producers. The proposed recommendations include the application of a multiplier to the amount of compensation paid on confirmed livestock losses; additional compensation for probable kills, breeding livestock, guard animals, and purebred livestock; a review of the criteria employed for identifying probable kills; the development and delivery of a verification course for livestock producers; and an annual evaluation of any pilot and/or compensation program.
WBR has been working since 2013 to implement the proposed compensation program changes on a pilot basis within the municipalities of Cardston, Ranchland, Willow Creek, and Pincher Creek. However, despite promising discussions with several provincial staff that are involved in the administration of the program, there have been no changes to date regarding the predator compensation program. The issue of fair compensation continues to be one of the greatest areas of frustration among affected livestock producers.
Aside from conflicts with agriculture such as livestock depredation and damage to grain, grizzly bears also represent a safety concern for rural communities. Sharing the landscape with bears means that there is potential for encounters between bears and people, and it is important to understand how to act in such situations. To help address this issue, WBR worked with the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, Alberta Bear Smart, Environment and Protected Areas, Bear Conflict Solutions, Southern Alberta Land Trust, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Parks Canada, and Margo Supplies to develop and deliver bear safety workshops.

Learning how to use bear spray at the Bear Safety workshop.
Photo by Kim Pearson.
During these workshops, ranch families learn how to minimize attractants around their ranch and yard, how to avoid bear encounters, what to do when they encounter a bear, how to correctly identify dangerous bear behavior, and how to respond appropriately. Participants also receive hands-on practice using (inert) bear spray and each farm family is given a can of (live) bear spray to take home.
WBR first delivered these workshops in 2014 and has held workshops each subsequent year. To date, WBR has hosted 8 workshops reaching over 335 people (2019). The community response to these workshops has been extremely positive. Check out our news page for information on upcoming bear safety workshops.
For more immediate information on bear safety, please visit the following links from Alberta BearSmart, Environment and Protected Areas, and Parks Canada.
Carnivores and Communities: A Case Study of Human-Carnivore Conflict Mitigation in Southwestern Alberta
In 2018, the Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association used an online survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the CACP directly from the program participants’ perspectives and experiences. The survey was organized into the following sections: demographics, general awareness and motivation to participate, safety risks and sense of security associated with large carnivores, assessment of attractant management and deadstock removal programming, and communications and future direction.
We evaluated the CACP’s bear safety workshops, deadstock removal program, and attractant management projects by collecting survey data on participants’ perspectives of the CACP’s effectiveness relative to reducing economic costs and human safety risks and completing an analysis of carnivore conflict data.
The results of our collaborative research clearly show that the CACP is having a positive impact and making progress towards reducing conflicts between people and large carnivores. We believe the CACP’s work provides a successful example of a community-based program that helps people and large carnivores better coexist on the landscape.
The full story including details on methods and results can be found in the published paper here.
A condensed version of the project results is available here.
Grizzly Bears
The Southwest Alberta Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project (GBMP) was a joint effort between the University of Alberta, Environment and Protected Areas, Alberta Parks, and Parks Canada. Grizzly bears have been listed as a Threatened species in Alberta since 2010, and the Grizzly Bear Recovery Plan recommends updating population estimates in each bear management area every 5 years. The project began in 2011 with the goal of providing updated information on grizzly bear density and abundance in southwestern Alberta’s grizzly bear management area (BMA) 6.
A team of researchers led by Andrea Morehouse collected bear hair samples non-invasively from bear rub objects, fence crossings, and other opportunistic sampling locations (e.g. grain bins, conflict locations, Fish and Wildlife trapped bears). Non-invasive genetic methods provide a safe and cost-effective method of estimating population density. DNA was extracted from the hair to determine species (grizzly bear vs. black bear), sex, and individual identity.
Fieldwork was completed from 2011 – 2014, and the WBRA helped facilitate communication with private landowners and hosted numerous public meetings where updates and results were shared.
Using spatially explicit population models, Dr. Morehouse estimated both the number of grizzly bears considered BMA 6 resident grizzly bears (approximately 67 bears) and the larger number of bears that use BMA 6 over the course of the year (approximately 172 bears). Grizzly bears in southwestern Alberta are a small part of a much larger international population that includes bears in British Columbia and Montana. There are over 1,000 grizzly bears in the larger, international Rocky Mountain subpopulation.
Publications resulting from the GBMP can be found here.

Photo by Spencer Rettler
Black Bears
Alberta is home to many dark and light coated black bears. Because there is hair colour variation in both grizzly and black bear species, it is not possible to differentiate between grizzly and black bear hair samples in the field. Consequently, the Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project (GBMP) used genetic markers to differentiate between species and found that approximately 40% of the hair samples collected by the GBMP were from black bears.
Beginning in 2014, in collaboration with the GBMP, a Black Bear Monitoring Project was initiated in southwestern Alberta. Like the GBMP, the black bear project was a collaboration between Alberta Environment and Parks, Parks Canada, Alberta Parks, the University of Alberta, and Waterton Biosphere Reserve Association. The project analyzed hair samples collected during the 2013 and 2014 field seasons. The sex and individual identity of each black bear were determined through the extraction of DNA from the hair follicle.

Anne Loosen burning hair off barb wired. Photo by Christine Misseghers
The black bear monitoring project provides an exciting opportunity for the first empirical black bear population estimate in southwestern Alberta. The previous population estimate for southwestern Alberta was based largely on expert opinion and is over 20 years old. Despite a significant harvest rate and stable human population in southwestern Alberta, black bear complaints to Fish and Wildlife are increasing. From 1999-2013, black bear sightings have expanded eastward and have increased in frequency. Yet, landowners that have historically seen a lot of black bears are now seeing only grizzly bears. Use of existing hair samples is both a cost savings and a unique opportunity to look at grizzly-black bear interactions, as well as provide the first data-driven black bear population estimate for southwestern Alberta.
Anne Loosen completed this project as part of her M.Sc. degree at the University of Alberta. Results of the Black Bear Monitoring Project can be found here.
From 2012 through 2014 researchers from the University of Montana completed a project with the goal of developing and testing non-invasive monitoring techniques for wolves in southwestern Alberta. The study was a cooperative research effort between The Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit (MCWRU) at the University of Montana and Alberta Environment and Parks. The study area extended from Highway 1 south to the border with the United States and was bordered to the east by Highways 6 and 22, with the addition of the Porcupine Hills.
The project was led by Dave Ausband as part of his Ph.D. research at MCWRU. Field surveys were conducted at predicted rendezvous sites in the summers of 2012, 2013 and 2014 including collection of genetic samples (i.e. scat) for DNA analysis. Alberta big game hunters were also surveyed for wolf sightings after the 2012, 2013, and 2014 hunting seasons and wolf sightings were solicited from leaseholders, landowners, and trappers.
Annual and a final report that outlines a framework for periodic wolf population monitoring in southwestern Alberta can be found here. Dr. Ausband currently works for Idaho Fish and Game, and information regarding his latest research can be found here.
In an effort to begin to understand the spatial and temporal patterns of carnivore conflicts in southwestern Alberta, the Grizzly Bear Monitoring Project in collaboration with Alberta Environment and Parks, Solicitor General, and the University of Alberta, WBRA analyzed occurrence reports for grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, and cougars from 1999 – 2011. When someone in Alberta has an issue regarding large carnivores, they can report it to their local Fish and Wildlife Office. The details of that event are recorded as a text summary. GBMP personnel read through and extracted the pertinent information from each record for this 13-year period. These data help identify hotspots of large carnivore conflicts, summarize conflict patterns for the different species, and can be used to focus deadstock pickup and other conflict mitigation efforts.
The community has found this information valuable and the WBR CWG has continued to support the summary of occurrence records in subsequent years.
The initial 13-year report along with all available subsequent yearly updates can be found here. The review of occurrence records from 1999 through 2014 has also been published in a peer-reviewed journal and the paper can be accessed here
If you would like more information about the Carnivores and Communities Program or the work of the Waterton Biosphere Region Carnivore Working Group, please follow the links provided or contact us at info@watertonbiosphere.com.
If you would like to discuss an attractant management project on your property, please contact: Jeff Bectell jbectell@watertonbiosphere.com.
For more information about large carnivores in southwestern Alberta, please contact Andrea Morehouse at amorehouse@watertonbiosphere.com.
Waterton Biosphere Region and the WBR Carnivore Working Group would like to thank the many people and organizations who have supported the Carnivores and Communities Program. Thank you to the landowners for their efforts to complete projects and make changes to their operations to reduce conflicts with large carnivores. Thank you to the landowner groups, provincial and municipal governments and staff, non-government organizations, and other key individuals and partners that have provided critical support to community-based efforts. And finally, we would also like to recognize those who have provided the funding to make this work possible.
Funders and Supporters:
Alberta Conservation Association
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Alberta Innovates Bio-Solutions
Animal Welfare Institute (Christine Stevens Wildlife Award)
Beauvais Lake Cottage Association
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
Drywood Yarrow Conservation Partnership