Help keep Waterton Lakes National Park free of Spotted Knapweed!

Spotted Knapweed. Photo credit: Parks Canada
This community event is organized by one of the partners in the Southwest Alberta Cooperative Weed Management Area (SWACWMA).
DATE: Saturday July 23, 2016
TIME: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m
LOCATION: Meet on the Blakiston Fan in Waterton Lakes National Park
EVENT ORGANIZER: Waterton Lakes National Park
DETAILS: Help keep Waterton Lakes National Park free of Spotted Knapweed !
- No experience necessary – just a willingness to help pick and bag knapweed
- Bring your appetite for a FREE BBQ lunch
- Does involve repetitive, light physical labour (bending over, picking up)
- Volunteer for a half-day shift (or longer!)
Volunteer duties:
- Pitch in and head off a stampede of billions of weed seeds by pulling Knapweed plants
- RSVP for lunch and FREE day-entry into Waterton Lakes National Park
CONTACT: For more info and to RSVP contact William Greene
Email: Tel: 403-859-2702
For more information on SWACWMA and other coming community volunteer events please click here.